See 130 wonders of the world in one place

Yes you can see all the 7 wonders of the world in one place and other 123 tourist attractions.If you want to see 7 wonders of the world you need to travel 7 different countries of the world and you need to spend more money and time but how if it was possible to see all these wonders in one place with less money and spend more time to enjoy at this place. Yes there is one beautiful place where you can see 130 different wonders in one place. that is in Continue reading

Wonders of the world

Wonders of the world, Human has built various buildings, temples etc, which are unmatchable with each one other. Each wonder has its own story and own architecture and own reason behind it to build. Here are few wonders of the world which i came across. Yes, off course there are so many
wonders here are few. Click on Continue reading

Do you know where the gold is found in india and that too in stone !!!

Gold is a one type of metal. It is soft, shiny and yellow in color. Gold dissolves in various chemicals but it will not loose its value even if you keep it in the mud for years together, So it has so much demand. But do you know where the gold is found in india and that too in stone   Continue reading